Saturday, September 6, 2014

Approaching strange dogs, what to do.

About thirty-some years ago, my family and I went to visit my grandma for the summer.  She lived up in the country and had lots of animals.  She even had a dog that looked like a mutt.  I never encountered the dog, but my sister did.  My sister actually approached my grandma's dog while he was eating dinner.  Bad idea.  Of course, the dog ended up biting her and forever scarred my sister for life on dogs.  

So, here are some correct ways to approach an unfamiliar dog.
* Ask the owner if it is okay to approach him.
* Hold out your hand, fingers closed, palm down, and slowly walk toward the dog.  Allow the dog to approach your hand and sniff it.
* Wait for the dog's "okay" and see if he wants your affection.  If he does, he will lower his head, perk his ears, or even come closer to you.  If the dog puts his ears back, flat on his head, or growls, or cowers down, don't pet him.
* Pat the dog on the top of his head or you can pat him along his back.  But avoid touching him on his belly, tail, ears, or even his feet.

There are also wrong ways to approach a strange dog.  Here are the wrong ways to approaching a strange dog.
* Don't run toward an unfamiliar dog.
* Don't get eye level or very close and smiling at the dog.  When a dog sees you smile, he thinks that you are "bearing your teeth" and that is an invitation to fight.
* Don't surprise him by sneaking up on him.  When a dog is surprised, his defense mechanism will kick in and will bite in self defense.
* Don't ignore their warning.  If a dog barks at you or growls at you when you approach his territory and you continue, that is like an invitation to get bitten.  They are warning you that they don't like that and you need to stop and listen.
* Don't touch them inappropriately.  Dog's usually don't like their ears, tail, and feet tugged.  Some don't even being inverted and being rubbed on their belly.  This is a submission position and an aggressive dog will resist this challenge and will resist vigorously.

Here is what you should do when you are threatened by an aggressive dog.
* Remain calm and stay still.  Do not run.  This is one race you will not win.  If you are by yourself, walk backwards slowly.  Do not turn your back on the dog.
* If you laying on the ground, curl in the fetal position and cover your head with your arms and keep your fingers curled into a fist.
* Avoid eye contact with the dog.  Remember that staring at an aggressive dog in the eyes is a "challenge".
* Remember to not smile at the dog.
* Be sure to use a soft, soothing tone of voice.  If you are loud, angry sounding, and screaming will only spur on the dog.
* If you happen to get bitten by the dog, do not pull away.  This willy only spur the dog on.  Just try to remain calm.  Try to put something between you and the dog like your purse, jacket, a bicycle, backpack, etc.  Do not hit the dog.  This will just make the situation worse.

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