Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why do dogs eat grass?

Have you ever noticed your dog eating grass and wondered what in the world are they doing and thinking eating grass?!  Just the thought of them eating something so undigestable seems so appalling.  My dog did this the first time several years ago.  That was what I was thinking when I first saw her chomping on the grass in the front yard.  And much to my dismay, I also was in shock that shortly after she digested it, she started heaving and puked up a bunch of gunk as well.  But there are reasons why they eat grass.  Some dogs, actually most dogs, will puke shortly after they eat grass.

One of the biggest reasons why dogs vomit after ingesting grass is because they have an upset stomach so they eat grass to help them rid of the bad stuff that they have in their stomach.  And another reason they eat grass is because they are trying to throw up hair balls they have in their stomach.

Also, please keep an eye on your dog where they ingest grass at.  Sometimes grass can be sprayed with chemicals and that can be harmful to your dog.

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